Summer Programs

Unfortunately, due to lack of interest we are having to cancel the summer program this year

Rosedale Playschool offers a variety of FUN and EXCITING summer programs for Children ages 4 & 5. Our Teachers, Ms. Stacey and Ms. Leanne have created 4 fantastic themes for our camps. Dinosaurs, Outer Space, Superheroes & Under the Sea!
Our summer program is a unique program that runs fully outdoors (weather permitting) and allows for some great opportunities to build upon interests and learnings as we get to spend a full week focusing in on 1 topic. Children will be able to explore these topics through a variety of art, science, free play, individual and group activities, and stories. A fun component of the summer program is something we like to call Fun Fridays. Fun Fridays are completely off premises days that happen at the end of each week and range from urban hikes to going to Rotary park’s spray park. Our destinations are currently to be determined, but they will be outside and within our neighbourhood.

Sign-Up Below!

Dinosaurs! July 4-8, 2022 $105.00
Our dinosaur week will have a paleontology scope. Children will have the opportunity through play and scientific exploration to search for dinosaurs bones, learn more about what dinosaurs ate, when they lived, and they might even discover that some used to live in our neighbourhood! 


Outer Space! July 11-15, 2022 $105.00
During space week we will be asking questions such as what and who exist in space? We will be engaging in some physical “astronaut training” and may dig into what astronauts do!


Superheroes! July 18-22, 2022 $105.00
Superhero week will be focused around the scope of our inner superheroes. How can we be superheroes to friends, ourselves, the natural world, and our planet? We will practice some ways to care for our environment while having fun being superheroes through art and play!


Under the Sea! July 25-29, 2022 $105.00
Under the Sea week will have lots of water play! We will learn about various aquatic creatures focusing in on the ones that interest the children most. We are excited to explore and play!


For more information, or if you have any questions please contact us at